كيف تنجح زراعة الخضراوات في البيوت المحمية؟

كيف تنجح زراعة الخضراوات في البيوت المحمية؟

Cultivation of vegetables.. Vegetable plants are among the most cultivated and consumed plants at the local and global levels. Therefore, many farmers or even amateurs may want to give areas of their greenhouses to this vegetable production, especially in light of the ability of these greenhouses to provide great productivity. And in high quality all year round.


  • Cultivation of vegetables is not limited to large farms, whether open, as is the case in agricultural fields, or closed, as is the case in greenhouses..
  • Many people resort to providing their home consumption of vegetables. Autologously, by growing beans and Cucumber and afor tomatoes and watercress, pepper..etc inside gardens and on balconies.
  • The fact is that this is not only a way to reduce costs, but also a guarantee of obtaining healthy, sound and clean products.
  • The process of growing vegetables passes through many stages such as seeding, afforestation, etc.
  • It also represents August is a good time to start planting it.

Learn how to grow a greenhouse here

Growing vegetables in the greenhouse

  • Despite the ease of growing this type of crop indoors and in open fields; However, its cultivation inside greenhouses provides the appropriate conditions to achieve the greatest benefits and the least damage.
  • This means that it ripens during a shorter period, and avoids the possibility of infection with agricultural pests and insects.

Success factors for growing vegetables in greenhouses


  • Sunlight is an essential element in the process of growing vegetables.
  • There are certain types of
  • For example; Agricultural halls covered with polycarbonate or glass covers are preferable compared to houses covered with plastic.

Soil Appropriate

  • The well-drained soil, which contains the required nutrients, is a strong factor in the success of vegetable cultivation.
  • There are many types of soil available in plant nurseries, which can be used inside greenhouses and agricultural halls.

Continuous Care

  • Plants in general need constant daily care; In order to monitor any changes that may occur in it.
  • The follow-up process also contributes to treating the plant from any agricultural pests that may lead to its death if it continues to exist.
  • It also includes plant care; Follow proper irrigation, temperature control, indoor ventilation..etc .< /strong>

Insect repellent flowers

  • How strange it may be; However, some farmers may resort to planting some insect repellent flowers next to their vegetables.
  • Or they may plant those flowers and plants that bring beneficial and pest repellent insects.

Whether you made a financial profit from selling vegetables, or helped you save your expenses and get a delicious salad dish every morning, or even its green color contributed to improving your mood… Growing vegetables remains one of the best and most beneficial activities on the health, psychological and material levels. 

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