Greenhouses.. The process of cultivation inside greenhouses includes a number of important steps and procedures; Including the processes of preparing and plowing the soil, irrigating plants, and fertilizing, and the farmer needs to understand the best way to do each of those steps, and in what suits the type of crops to be grown, but in this article we will focus on the different ways and methods of adding manure inside the greenhouses..</p >
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The Importance of Fertilization
- Fertilization is nothing but providing the agricultural soil with the nutrients it needs.
- This step contributes to stimulating intentions to obtain the maximum possible response.
- Also, the economic return of a crop is often measured by the extent to which the fertilizer costs are equal to the degree of response of the plant.
Greenhouse Fertilization Controls
- Farmers need to determine the quantity and quality of fertilizers used.
- Excess fertilization is a serious problem in greenhouses.
- It should also be decided whether to use natural or chemical fertilizers.
- This is of course in addition to choosing the appropriate method for spraying and distributing fertilizer quantities on crops, which we will try to focus on in the following lines..
Methods of adding fertilizer to greenhouse plants

Prose style
- Adding fertilizer means spreading it, and this method is often used when the farmer wants to add a large amount of fertilizer.
- In this case, it should not be stirred into the soil with a depth of more than 10:7 cm. It can also be stirred using a cultivator or an ordinary plough .
Designed Places
- The addition of fertilizers in narrow and limited places of agricultural soil.
- Usually, this method is employed with vegetable crops grown on terraces or ledges inside plastic tunnels.
- Storage fertilization has many benefits; Including, for example, facilitating the absorption of fertilizer by plant roots, and lowering the possibility of losing nutrients when washing, in addition to the lack of stabilization of potassium and phosphorous in case they come into contact with soil particles.
Adding compost by lines
- As for adding compost by lines; This is done by making trenches under the plants about 10 cm deep, then distributing the amounts of fertilizer inside those trenches before covering them with soil.
- The farmer then irrigates the soil immediately after the fertilization is completed.
Add fertilizer with irrigation water
- This is known as a “composting solution”, and this method has many advantages.
- Among them are reducing the costs needed to complete the composting process, accelerating and facilitating fertilizer access to the root zone, and a great balance in fertilizer distribution.
- In addition to allowing this type of fertilizer more opportunity to precisely control the degree of soil fertility; The proportions of various elements, as well as the concentration of liquid fertilizer, can be adjusted to suit the needs of the plant in its different stages of growth.
Foliar fertilization
- Foliar fertilization is done by spraying the leaves of plants with chemical fertilizers.
- Then the leaves absorb the mineral elements easily and quickly.
- The plant’s response to foliar fertilization appears within a few days.
In all cases, greenhouse growers must ensure the appropriateness of the fertilization method used for the type of plants to be grown, in addition to adhering to the fertilization quantities and dates specified according to the agricultural program, in order to ensure the harvest of optimal quantities and qualities of agricultural crops.
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