استخدام المبيدات الزراعية داخل البيت المحمي.. فوائد وأضرار

استخدام المبيدات الزراعية داخل البيت المحمي.. فوائد وأضرار

Agricultural pesticides.. Due to the possibility of infecting the greenhouse with some agricultural insects and pests; The farmer needs to use some pesticides to get rid of them, in addition to taking some agricultural measures during the stages of planting and harvesting the crop. >

Agricultural Pesticides

  • Pesticides are mixtures or combinations of chemical or natural substances that are sprayed on the plant to kill insects and pests on it.
  • The types of these pesticides differ according to the type of insect or pest that they kill; Some of them kill mice that feed on the fruits of the plant, and some of them rid the plant of bacteria or fungi…etc.

Prevention of agricultural pests and diseases

Types of agricultural pesticides

In addition to their different types according to the purpose of their use; There are also several types of agricultural pesticides in terms of their composition, as follows:

Chlorophytic pesticides

  • This type of pesticide contains, in its composition, a toxic substance, which makes it strong and quick to affect pests and insects.
  • They are easy to obtain and use, and they are also available at reasonable prices.
  • It is noted that this type of pesticide has been canceled, with the exception of a few substances, as a result of its great damage to the environment.

Phosphorous pesticides

  • Phosphorous pesticides are consistent with chlorophyll in their toxic nature and strong effect.
  • But it differs from it in that it decomposes inside the soil and then infects agricultural pests in its nervous current, which causes them to paralyze and then die.

Organic carbamate pesticides

  • They are pesticides that contain carbamic acid, and this type of pesticide appeared for the first time in 1956 AD.
  • The most important of these pesticides are Lanit and Furidan.

pyrethroid pesticides

  • These pesticides are safe for humans, but toxic to pests.
  • It has been in use since the latter half of the twentieth century, and it is extracted from the Chrysanthemum plant.

Benefits of using pesticides inside the greenhouse

  • Increases the plant’s ability to grow, by eliminating insects that share its food.
  • The use of pesticides allows obtaining better plants in terms of quantity and quality, which contributes to placing them on the market at reasonable prices.
  • Protecting the environment and preserving the fertility of agricultural soils, by eliminating pests and harmful weeds that affect them.
  • Protection of humans and animals from any damage that may reach them due to agricultural pests and diseases.

Risk of indiscriminate use of pesticides

Damages of using pesticides

  • The use of pesticides may lead to the spread of their spray in the air, which sometimes affects the breathing process of humans and animals, and may cause organic disorders for humans, especially pregnant women.
  • There may be some residues in food or plant fruits.
  • If the person spraying the pesticide is not wearing protective clothing or masks; It may be exposed to health damage.
  • Pesticides may contaminate groundwater from agricultural soils.

It remains to be noted that there are several ways in which agricultural pesticides can be used; This includes spraying and fogging based on the distribution of chemical powders on plant surfaces, as well as toxic foods that are placed for insects and are acceptable in taste to them.

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