طريقة الزراعة في البيوت المحمية

طريقة الزراعة في البيوت المحمية

The method of farming in greenhouses..Protected agriculture provides many advantages, on top of which is the possibility of producing different crops, out of season, with high production specifications and quantities, but there are a number of stages that the cultivation process must go through. Inside greenhouses, which we will explain in this article..


How to grow indoors

Prepare the land for greenhouse installation

It represents the first stage within the method of cultivation in greenhouses, in which the land is plowed, in proportion to the type of soil.

Non-consolidating soils are plowed only once, while cohesive soils are plowed twice, longitudinal and crosswise, with a depth of up to 60 cm.

This stage also includes leveling the land, so that all units or greenhouses are on one level.

Finally, pegs are hammered that mark both the beginnings and the ends as well as the directions of the greenhouse.

This is a step that becomes more important if an entire hall or group of adjacent houses is established.

Greenhouse Equip

As for the second stage; It is the stage of preparing and installing the house itself, in which the type of house suitable for the plants to be planted is determined.

This includes choosing the structures and coverings of the houses, their geometric shapes, as well as the appropriate cooling and heating systems for their location..etc.


Prepare the land for planting

As it involves plowing the soil, it is preferable that it be plowed twice, at different depths, to prevent its agglomeration.

Then the soil is leveled and smoothed, and divided into lines separated by equal distances, and the lengths of the spaces are determined according to the type of plant that will be planted.

Fertilization phase

Since cultivation in greenhouses is based on the idea of ​​intensification and doubling productivity; The phase of fertilization is one of the most important elements when talking about the method of cultivation in greenhouses.

There are many types of fertilizer and ways to use it, but it is not recommended to use any organic fertilizer.

These fertilizers are usually unable to provide the soil with nutrients required for intensive farming.

As for the best reliable fertilization methods; It is through mixing different types of liquid fertilizers, and taking them when needed.

Or add fertilizer mixers, which specialize in mixing fertilizer with appropriate amounts of water, and then supplying the plant with fixed amounts of this mixture, as needed.

Irrigation indoors

There are irrigation systems that can be adopted inside greenhouses.

These include surface, subsurface, and sprinkler irrigation, as well as irrigation using nutrient solutions.

Scheduling agricultural crops

they are meant; Determine the dates of entry and exit of agricultural crops, and based on this step, all stages of the agricultural process are determined.

But there are a number of factors that affect the scheduling of crops, including temperature, intensity of lighting, and the duration of exposure of the plant to it, and others.

Control of agricultural diseases and pests

The last and important stage in the greenhouse cultivation method is the control of pests and insects that may be exposed to them.

Greenhouses are more likely than others to be infected with these diseases; Since it is a manufactured environment, there are a number of factors that contribute to limiting the spread of these diseases, namely:

  • Cultivation of disease-resistant plant varieties inside the greenhouse.
  • Soil sterilization as much as possible.
  • Buy high quality seeds, from trusted sources, to ensure that they are free from diseases.
  • Rely on low toxicity pesticides, in case the plant is infected with any of these pests or insects, and not be of the type of pesticides that last on the fruits of the plant – for a long time – when sprayed.


Although cultivation in greenhouses is not restricted to specific dates, it is necessary to take into account the timing of some difficult climatic conditions, such as periods of frost, or a sharp rise in temperature, which may pose a great danger to the seeds of some plants, which may lead to their death and wilt.


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