أنظمة الزراعة المائية (الهيدروبونيك)

أنظمة الزراعة المائية (الهيدروبونيك)

Hydroponic systems.. Hydroponics, or farming without soil, is one of the modern agricultural methods that are expanding and spreading all over the world. High quality, what is hydroponics, and what are its advantages and systems?


The importance of soil within the agricultural process is due to its ability to stabilize the roots of plants, and to provide all the essential nutrients needed; Like salts and minerals.

But researchers in the agricultural field were able to add these elements to the water, according to the required proportions, to show what is known as hydroponics.

This type of cultivation is based on passing an appropriate amount of the nutrient solution under the plant using inert soil (which is a solid material, not reactive with the nutrient solution), or even without the need for soil .

Learn about hydroponics crops

Features of Hydroponics

Hydroponic farming provides a good opportunity to provide all the nutrients needed by the plant, at the right time and in the right quantity; without increasing or decreasing.

This is in contrast to traditional agriculture, in which the percentage of salt or any other element may increase in a way that harms the plant.

And hydroponics also gives plant roots their food in an easy and highly soluble way, without the need for these roots to search for nutrients, and then extract them from the soil, as is the case in traditional agriculture.

It provides faster growth, and higher yield, especially when compared to regular agriculture, and therefore it is a suitable source of income.

This is in addition to being suitable for home cultivation, and for cultivation in areas whose temperatures change constantly.

Hyponic Systems

Dutch Bucket System

This system relies on the use of perlite, which is small white grains, resulting from heating some silicon volcanic rocks.

When using these granules; Its size increases twenty times its normal size.

It also has some small cavities, which can hold water and fertilizer, to make it accessible to plant roots when needed.

This system also includes a good drainage environment, through drainage holes prepared at the bottom of the system.

In addition to the presence of a long pipe along the length of the systems, which is specialized in collecting waste water inside the feeding tank.

This tank, in turn, irrigates all existing systems, using the drip method .

Dutch baguettes are usually used in the cultivation of flowers and vegetables; Such as cucumbers, tomatoes, roses, herbs, tulips, etc.

Features of the Dutch Bucket System

  • It includes a cultivation system, along with a rotation and control system, which allows greater control over all growth conditions.
  • Ease of harvesting the cultivated crops.
  • Cultivation of crops in good health, without the need to use pesticides.

Hyponic growing systems provided by the Kenana Houses Factory

Hydroponics (Deep Flow)

As for hydroponics in tubes, also known as “deep flow technology”; It consists of openings inside tubes, and contains the necessary nutritional solutions.

This technique is usually used to grow vegetables, fruits and flowers, in large quantities, by placing the roots of plants inside the multiple holes.

Features of tube cultivation

  • The nutrient solution is located at a depth of 5 to 10 cm, inside the openings of the tubes.
  • In addition to the presence of oxygen around the roots of the plant by gravity, or by using a pump.
  • This type of hydroponics also includes a circulation and control system, in addition to its agricultural system.
  • Its fruits are easy to harvest, as in the Dutch Bucket system.

It is one of the most widely cultivated crops using agricultural systemsaquatic (hydroponic), are foliar; Such as cucumber, thyme, strawberry, lettuce, red lettuce, celery mint, colored pepper, spinach, parsley, and others.

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