استخدام البلك في تبريد البيوت المحمية

استخدام البلك في تبريد البيوت المحمية

Using bricks to cool greenhouses.. There are many cooling systems used inside greenhouses, including the use of cooling fans, cooling cells… and others, and in this article; Kenana Houses provides an easy way to cool a greenhouse using cement block, and although it is not the most efficient method for cooling, it is able to provide highly satisfactory results..</ p>

Other greenhouse cooling systems

Greenhouse Cooling with Blocks

  • One of the ways that contribute to reducing the temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse is to build walls of “blocks” or “blocks”.
  • The block used for cooling is one of the types of ordinary blocks, but it It is made of certain materials, and in a specific way to be suitable for this use.
  • In the sense that the cooling block has characteristics that distinguish it from other types, including that it is light in weight, and does not absorb water or store moisture.
  • li>The manufacturers are keen on making it more solid and more able to withstand pressure, and ventilation pads and fans can be installed on it, in an easy way.

Benefits of cooling using a block

Although this system is not common; However, it has many features, including:

  • Easy to implement, as it does not require high capabilities or cost to set up.
  • Easy to operate; It is a system that can be used without any difficulties or complications.
  • Its effectiveness appears quickly, especially in small homes.

System Components

  • External wall: It acts as a thermal insulator.
  • Inner wall: It is moistened with water through pumps; To maintain the required humidity levels.
  • Fans: Discharge the air and direct it towards the plants.
  • Water pump: It has two functions; They are wetting the inner wall, as we have indicated, and drawing water into the drainage basin.


Cooling method using the block

In case you want to use this method to cool your greenhouse; You can follow these steps to implement it:

  • Construction of two parallel walls of bricks, one facing outside, and the other facing inside.
  • Make sure to provide enough space to separate the two walls; Because the two walls touch each other, it means that not enough air can penetrate into the greenhouse.
  • Make multiple holes at the bottom of the inner wall, in addition to a basin used to drain water.
  • The greenhouse is provided With a water pump, which is the pump that will wet the inner wall with water.
  • You should install some fans inside the house; So that they are directed towards the plants.
  • The air will be emitted from the wet inner wall, and then the fans will empty it and maintain the house temperature.

This natural method of cooling greenhouses is a good alternative to using wet pillows, and although it looks quite traditional, its effectiveness is guaranteed, especially in homes with small spaces.

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