قائمة بالأمراض الفطرية التي تصيب البيوت المحمية

قائمة بالأمراض الفطرية التي تصيب البيوت المحمية

Greenhouses have a set of characteristics that make them more susceptible to infection with some fungal diseases compared to others, so we present a list of the most important diseases that may affect your protected plants, the reasons for their appearance, as well as the most prominent symptoms of infection..

Agricultural fungal diseases

  • Fungi are non-motile organisms, as well as parasitic organisms; That is, it is not autotrophic, but rather parasitizes and feeds on other plants and animals.
  • These fungi are widely distributed, although humid environments are the most common places in which they are found.
  • Fungi also represent a major cause of plant disease, by stressing it or killing its cells.
  • As for the ways of its spread; It is transmitted through infected soil and seeds, and water, wind, soil movement, animals and even farming tools are strong factors in increasing its spread.

Some pests and insects that infect a greenhouse</ p>

The reasons why a greenhouse is infected with fungal diseases

As we have indicated, greenhouses have a set of conditions and characteristics that play an important role in raising the possibility of infection with fungal diseases, including the following:

  • The weather inside a greenhouse is usually much warmer than in an open field; Because the attempts and methods of aerating the greenhouse, no matter how available, are less efficient compared to the aeration of traditional crops.
  • High relative humidity, low wind speed.
  • Greenhouse plants receive higher amounts of fertilizer, due to their ability to produce more crops.
  • Green house owners often seek to exploit all available spaces inside the house, which results in plants crowding and close to each other, which causes disease.

fungal diseases that may affect the greenhouse

Here is a list of the most important fungal diseases that may affect the greenhouse, in addition to the symptoms of each:

soft wilt

  • It is a disease caused by a group of fungi that live in agricultural soil, and feed on plant residues.
  • It is also abundant in Egyptian soil, especially soils that are poorly drained or that contain a high percentage of organic matter.

Symptoms of soft wilt

  • Plant seeds rot after germination.
  • The collapse of the inferior peduncle (at or below the soil surface).
  • This soft wilting appears on the appearance and leaves of the plant.

Cotton rot

  • As for cotton rot, it is one of the most dangerous diseases that affect protected crops. Specifically from December to early May.
  • Sometimes, the number of infected plants may reach more than 360 species.
  • In fact, its infection may extend to the post-harvest, transport and storage stages.
  • Cotton rot has the ability to form some stone bodies, which may remain viable in the soil for five years.

Symptoms of Cotton Rot

  • Some areas of water saturation appear in the stems, leaves and fruits of plants.
  • The infestation often occurs near the surface of the soil.
  • After the disease progresses; Stone bodies begin to appear, and they represent the best and clearest diagnostic signs of this disease.


  • This disease spreads among plants of the cucurbit family (including cucumbers, zucchini, melons, pumpkins and bitter melon).
  • It is a very dangerous disease for cucumber plants, especially during its growing season.
  • It also increases the risk of infection during periods of high humidity or heat.

Symptoms of Anthracnose

  • Anthracnose appears as spots and circular ulcers on the leaves, stems and fruits of plants.
  • The fruits are sunken and round, orange to brown, or black.

Seedling fall disease

  • Greenhouse plants, especially vegetables, are affected by seedling disease, as a result of the presence of some fungi such as Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Phytophthora.
  • It begins with these fungi attacking small and weak seedlings, although this does not negate the possibility of infecting large plants.


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