إرشادات زراعة الجرجير داخل البيوت المحمية

إرشادات زراعة الجرجير داخل البيوت المحمية

Watercress is one of the plants that are widely cultivated, whether inside homes and ordinary gardens or in greenhouses. It is a plant that contains many health benefits and nutrients, such as antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C..etc. What are the most important guidelines for growing watercress at home? Protected?

Learn about the agricultural calendar for greenhouse plants

Cultivation of watercress

  • The watercress is a plant that needs moist soil, and it also needs moderate temperatures.
  • It is mainly a winter crop; The period from mid-August to late November is a suitable time to plant it.
  • But that does not mean that it should not be planted during the remaining months; Watercress cultivation is spread almost throughout the year, except for the severe heat months.

Growing watercress in greenhouses

  • As with all kinds of plants; Greenhouses allow watercress to be produced at any time throughout the year.
  • These houses provide the climatic conditions required for watercress growth.
  • It is through the Cooling devices and various ventilation, a moderate climate suitable for its growth can be provided.

Planting steps

The process of growing watercress in a greenhouse goes through a set of steps, as follows:

  • Prepare the soil and spray it with water.
  • Prepare the seeds, and then distribute them on the soil in an orderly and consistent manner.
  • Use an appropriate type of fertilizer.
  • Follow up the crop periodically, until it is fully grown, and then harvest it.

Guidelines for growing watercress in greenhouses

  • Special clay soil must be chosen.
  • And to be able to retain water.
  • The watercress seeds should also be mixed with an appropriate amount of sand.
  • In addition to the need to supply the plant with the necessary nutrients, through the use of natural organic fertilizer.
  • Watercress also needs relatively large amounts of water.
  • As well as the presence of a natural source of light; to grow properly.

Advantages of growing watercress in greenhouses

Leaf farming

It is not just about using seeds; It can cultivation using fresh plant leaves and placing them in the soil, by following the following steps:

  • Buy fresh arugula leaves, bearing in mind that they contain some roots from below.
  • If roots are not present; Leaves can be placed in a glass of water, which will help the roots to grow.
  • Use pots with holes to drain the water and ensure that the plant does not rot.
  • Add natural manure to the soil.
  • Drill holes in the soil to give watercress a chance to grow.
  • Sprinkle the watercress lightly with water, so as not to damage the newly planted stems.

In addition to the fact that watercress is an easy crop to grow, it contributes to the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, diabetes and the heart, as well as kidney stones, and others, which explains the demand for many to grow and eat it.

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