
Who are we ?

Know more about Kenana Factory.

Kenana House Factory is a factory specialized in the establishment of greenhouses of various types, aquaculture, and fish farming systems, and this area is one of the most areas that need high accuracy in the stages of construction and follow-up, so the factory Kenana houses a specialized team and a group of experts and agricultural engineers to ensure the highest quality And better performance

    <li”>As well as the installation of different types of covers system to prevent the leakage of air and tighten the process of closing indoors and to tighten the plastic cover and shade mesh cover, as well as give aesthetic look to the overall shape of the house.
  • We are distinguished in manufacturing in innovative ways such as iron clamps, as well as pressing system, and hydraulic pressure to avoid welding of all kinds, giving houses more rigidity and strength than that made by welding.
  • Maintain a good relationship in our actions with staff and customers.
  • Remedy all problems and solve them at the lowest costs and at the speed required.
  • Establishing relationships with employees based on trust and mutual respect.
  • Developing the greenhouse industry to suit the Gulf and Arab atmosphere.
  • Giving rights in order to achieve the functional affiliation of the factory.
  • Establishing various agricultural projects.
  • Providing a local product conforming to the highest quality standards and international standards.
  • Providing the finest materials and spare parts used in homes.
  • Hire qualified staff and specialized workers.
لماذا تختارنا - مصنع بيوت الكنانة

 Why Choose Us ?

Kenanah houses .. Better quality .. Longer life

We believe that the real investment lies in the human resources, so the factory management maintains its outstanding technical staff of engineers, technicians and administrators with long experience and distinct in the field of work as well as a distinguished team of specialized salesmen through the factory representatives deployed to cover all over Saudi Arabia For all customers


Our Team

Meet our team of engineers and maintenance team.

We always seek to employ qualified staff and specialized workers and trained to apply the best modern international methods in design, implementation, and innovation, and to establish relationships with employees based on trust and mutual respect and maintain a good relationship in our actions with employees.

فريق عملنا - مصنع بيوت الكنانة
فريق عملنا - مصنع  بيوت الكنانة
فريق عملنا - مصنع بيوت الكنانة
فريق عملنا - مصنع بيوت الكنانة