مناعة النباتات ضد المبيدات الزراعية

مناعة النباتات ضد المبيدات الزراعية

The immunity of plants.. The owners of greenhouses resort to using different types of pesticides to get rid of insects and pests that affect their crops, but they may suffer from the failure of those crops to respond to several types of them.. In fact, this phenomenon has a number of reasons that farmers need to avoid even He can get positive results when using agricultural pesticides..

What is acquired immunity to pesticides?

  • Healthy Doctors are always keen to stress the need to limit the use of antibiotics, on the grounds that the human body’s accustoming to this type of treatment will reduce its efficiency in later stages..
  • Antibiotics contribute to the creation of a number of antibodies to counter the disease, but exaggeration in taking them and getting used to it will reduce their ability to produce these antibodies over time.
  • Then the disease’s ability to affect it increases, and in turn, the body’s ability to confront it is weakened.
  • In the same way; When greenhouse farmers use agricultural pesticides in the wrong way, their plants are prone to acquiring high immunity to these pesticides.

Learn about the benefits and harms of using pesticides in greenhouses

The reasons why plants are immune to pesticides

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Immunity of plants due to excessive pesticides
  • The chances of plants being immune to insecticides in the greenhouse are higher than in the open field, and the reason for this is that the greenhouse is a closed system with a high agricultural density.
  • Also, excessive and continuous spraying of the pesticide usually leads to different insects having a greater ability to physiological resistance; By demolishing the active substance of the pesticide, and refraining from absorbing it.
  • Insects may also possess behavioral immunity; For example, it avoids direct exposure to sprayed pesticides.
  • For example, the whitefly inside some greenhouses showed a high degree of immunity against several types of pesticides.

Chemical control of agricultural pests

How to reduce acquired immunity

  • As for the method of reducing the possibility of the plant possessing this acquired immunity against pesticides; It is important not to repeatedly spray the plant with the same type of pesticide, which has the same effect.
  • Especially with regard to fungicides that treat fungal diseases that have multiple life cycles in the growing season.
  • The spraying times should be reduced, and the dose used should be reduced, taking care to use different pesticides with different effects.

How to increase the physiological immunity of plants?

It should be noted that there are many methods of controlling insects and agricultural pests, and in the event of a high degree of plant immunity against chemical pesticides; Farmers can resort to using a different method through biological control or attractant traps..or other available means.

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