جدول تسميد الخيار في البيت المحمي

جدول تسميد الخيار في البيت المحمي

The greenhouse is the most suitable place for growing and producing plants that have a large and continuous demand, including the cucumber crop, as cucumbers are an essential nutrient in many foods, due to the fact that they contain large amounts of enzymes that facilitate the digestion of fatty and protein materials. On the other hand, fertilizing represents an important step for the cucumber crop, as it helps in producing healthy and natural crops.

How to grow cucumbers in greenhouses

How to grow cucumbers in greenhouses

  • The Greenhouse cucumber cultivation requires high temperatures with appropriate humidity.
  • The cultivation is carried out in 3 stages or loops; The first is called the summer loop, and the second is during August or September, and the third loop is the winter loop, and it begins in October or November.
  • Cucumbers usually thrive in sandy or desert soils, provided they are well drained.
  • But that does not negate the possibility of growing cucumbers in clay soil as well.
  • The farmer also needs to plow the soil twice, with a depth of about 30 cm, before planting begins.

Fertilizing cucumbers in open cultivation

  • As for the fertilization of cucumbers in traditional open fields; This is for a period of no less than 25 days immediately after the transplant.
  • After 25 days have passed, fertilization begins with specific rates of ammonia nitrate, calcium, magnesium sulfate, phosphoric acid, and other elements. Fertilization should also be done in the early morning.
  • When the flowering stage begins; The farmer needs to increase the phosphorous dose.?
  • Also, Calcium Boron must be sprayed continuously every 15 days from the beginning of the plant’s life until harvest.


Greenhouse Cucumber Fertilization Schedule

  • As for the fertilization schedule of cucumbers inside the greenhouse; We will focus on the fertilization schedule for the first week of the plant’s life, as follows:
  • The first day: that is, immediately after planting the seedlings, and here care must be taken with good irrigation and that there are no air gaps under those seedlings.
  • The second day: It does not need water if the planting is in the winter season, but if it is in the summer, water is allowed for a quarter of an hour.
  • The third day: on which one of the pesticides containing Vitafax is withdrawn, in order to prevent root rot.
  • The fourth day: without irrigation.
  • Day 5: The farmer continues to avoid watering the plant.
  • The sixth day: It is without irrigation if the planting is in the winter season, but if it is in the summer, irrigation can be done for 10 minutes, just in order to stimulate and stimulate the roots.
  • Day Seven: Phosphoric acid is added to the irrigation water.

Learn about the second week cucumber fertilization program here

It remains to point out that despite the difficulty of caring for the cucumber crop in the greenhouse, many farmers resort to planting it in their greenhouses, since it is one of the crops that continue to be in demand all year round. .

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